
Munay-Ki 13Th Rite of the Womb. 

It is the 13th Rite of the Munay-Ki. The rite is for healing, personal growth, which will grow and strengthen, also for your womb connection to Mother Earth giving her healing and will also help to heal the wrongs that women have suffered throughout time, helping all our grandmothers, mothers, sisters and daughters.

It is an initiation received and transmitted through a beautiful ritual. It is a reconciliation with our maternal lineage, allowing you to harmonize with yourself and become aware of your power of creation and giving life.

In this workshop, healing of our female lineage is carried out by working with the seven generations of maternal grandmothers to heal with love the origin of all pain and imbalances in female organs, blessings the 7 generations of our descendants.

This rite aims to heal our wounds, the painful past, sadness, frustrations, traces that do not allow us to move forward, connecting with divinity and thus continue watering the seed of light and love in all women. Bring healing, joy, love, compassion to our Mother Earth, ourselves and all our relationships. In addition to this ritual, we will perform a healing of our energy points to cleanse and harmonize our bodies.

After this Rite you will be able to be a “Womb Guardian” which allows you to transmit this rite to other woman.

Who can receive the rite?

All womens, Including pregnant women. Women who no longer have their physical uterus. Women with gynecological disorders. Men who want to heal their maternal lineage.

Duration: Aprox 2.5 hours

Where: In person at Orlando, FL Location or Online Via Zoom


13th Munay-Ki Rite of the Womb


 Master Class de Tarot con María del Mar Tort

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